Propane tank color

Propane tank color

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Aboveground propane tanks are not particularly esthetic and if you own or rent one or have one delivered you might be tempted to paint it in a color that matches the house or the surroundings. However, while propane tanks can be painted it must be in a color that is heat reflective, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 58).

Risks associated with non-reflective colors

Dark colors absorb heat while light colors reflect it. Painting your tank a dark color can cause a safety risk. A dark-colored tank that absorbs heat will lead to a rise in temperature inside the tank and, in turn, an increase in the volume of propane (there is both propane liquid and propane gas in a tank). As a result of this expansion, pressure may rise (high pressure situation), causing the safety relief valve to open. This leak poses a serious safety risk.

Options for propane tank colors

This does not mean you cannot paint your tank. You should check what colors are permitted in your area by contacting your local utilities office. White, grey and silver are often chosen but in some states pale yellow, green or beige are allowed. Ultimately, you retain a fair amount of leeway to choose what your tank can look like. For example, nothing stops you from painting your tank in several reflective colors if you feel it makes the tank less noticeable (some propane tanks are painted in a camouflage design).

Propane tank covers

Alternatively, you could use your landscape to camouflage your tank. Shrubs are often used to make the tank less noticeable, especially if light green paint is used. Covers are also available and come in a wide range of patterns.

Hiding a propane tank